Wednesday, September 9, 2009

HAES: Intuitive Eating

So, as you can see from my bookshelf, I am re-reading "Lessons from the Fat-O-Sphere." This book really rocked my thinking the first time; and really, the second time around is no different. I've gotten a few different things out of the book this time around, and one of those things is intuitive eating, which I'm trying.

{HAES = Health At Every Size, by the way}

Intuitive Eating is the main concept in HAES, and it goes a little bit like this: Eat what you want when you want it. Actually, it goes a whole lot like that since that's all it is. In intuitive eating, no foods are off limits. The point is to listen to your body when it tells you a) when it is hungry and b) what it is hungry for. In this line of thought, there are no good foods or bad foods; food is just food.

So, I've been trying out this intuitive eating concept for about a week now, and here is what I've learned:

  1. I don't actually crave greasy food; I end up eating greasy food when I'm too uncreative to come up with anything else. (read: lazy)
  2. When I do crave something "bad" and I let myself have it, I will only eat two or three bites of it before the craving is satisfied.
  3. I'm eating a lot less because I'm listening to my body more when it tells me it is full or sated for right now.

The jury is still out on Dr. Pepper, though. I can't tell if I'm craving Dr. Pepper or if I'm just really accustomed to drinking it. I'll let you know how it goes...

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